Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Dear Spencer: Kiss Your Marriage Goodbye

Gary Busey's long lost son,Spencer Pratt, has come to realize that not even his magic crystals can save his marriage.
26672, CABOS SAN LUCAS, MEXICO - Friday May 28, 2010. FILE PICTURE dated Wednesday 19th November 2008. Heidi Montag has allegedly seperated from husband Spencer Pratt and is looking for a new place to live. The Hills stars Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt are married in a secret ceremony in Cabos San Lucas, Mexico, on 19th November 2008. Photogragh: Mango Productions/PacificCoastNews.com
Heidi Montag grew some balls finally... (I mean boobs)... and was seen today leaving the Santa Monica, California courthouse filing for seperation against her douchebag of a husband.

There is rumor this may be a hoax since the couple is known to be hungrier for fame than Kirstie Alley is for a bucket of chicken.

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