Saturday, July 25, 2009

So Here's Da Dish....

So... my celebrity driven status updates on Facebook have sparked some interest so I decided to take it a step further and start a blog!

Ever since I was ten years old I would lay down in front of the tv in my living room with my hands clutched underneath my chin and stare in a trance watching the E! Channel. I don't remember the name but it was back in the day when there was no Giuliana Depandi or Ryan Seacrest but actual writers and gossip columnists sitting in their office talking about the celebrity gossip of the week. When young girls my age were talking about becoming ballerinas or teachers I was would proudly boast... "Ma... I am going to be a gossip columnist!" She would shake her head and laugh....

Flash forward to present day and I have already done an internship at Star Magazine and whenever I make a trip to the grocery store to get a gallon of milk I walk out with atleast 4 celebrity magazines at hand.... Life & Style, In Touch, Us Weekly and Star have become my bestfriends. Throw in a pair of sweatpants and a glass of wine and screw the Bahamas... I am in my own paradise.

So... stay tuned for my rants... my opinions .....and my out of control babble that I can't seem to keep to myself anymore. Welcome an I hope you like what I have to DaDish.

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